Friday, May 27, 2011


Blan lpas aku ketemu same dia..rindu bangat..hahah tp kan yang pelik setiap kali jupe mesti gaduh2.. akan ade mase aku merajukk…n this time..hahaha dekat 2 jam aku merajuk di KLCC.. jalan sorang2 sebb marah bgat same dia ni kan agk ego la..dia biar je aku..huishh..frust jgak la sbnarnya dia xpujuk..kiikikih.. tp time dia pujuk aku lak wat jual mahal..sori ye mucukkkkk…=)

Tp ape yg nk jd ceritanya..pagi tu aku suh la dia pkai baju yg aku bg kat dia…jeng2 rupa2nya agak ketat lak..KECIAN!!!! dia lak pkai jek sbb nak ambik hati aku!huu.. Time dia dtg ritu..sihh terkejut gak aku,,smart smacam dia hari ni..hihi even sampai pakai kasut kulit!! Adus..biar btol dia ni..( lam hati ..hahahah) nanti nak jalan2 sure sakit kaki ni..ermm aku..tanya tp dia jwb saje je pkai..huu I guess dia nk suh kelihatan smart n handsome today bila berjalan ngan sy..hehe tq mucuk..

Then seperti yg dduga.ble smpai kt klcc..dia duk merungut kaki sakit..aduhh..tensen juga coz xleh nk berjlan sgt..dia pun nk mare2 gara- gara kaki sakit..hahah tu lah puncanya bergaduh lg..kikikih..lame punya merajuk…aku beralah jugak tp aku masih kenakan dia juga..kecian lak tgk dia..hihi tp kdang2 kte kene uji jgak laki2 ni..=P

Oleh kerana terlalu kecian kt dia..kteorg pun mencari la kedai kasut..spanjang tu..ape lg membebel la mulutku ni..sape suruh pakai..xsesuai tuk berjalan2…mcm2..naik tensen lak dia..dah la pusing2 xjupe ag kdainya…heheh AKHIRNYA..ketemuk..haha.. aku pun blanje la dia beli selipar mahal…haha selipar biasa jek..heheh baru la lega tgk dia da jalan ok blik..aku beli selipar pling rngan tuk dia..baru xsakit kan nak jalan..huhu

Pengajaran, kalu nak kelihatan cmey n smart dpan sha..pkai la yg mucuk rase sesuai..coz I accept and love u as you are..=) hihihi..


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Da lame x menulis..juz want to share about someone that is special in my life rite now..
tetiba terasa rindu pada si dia.. da lame rasa xjumpa..huu
dua2 pakat bz je..dia bz ngn keje dia..aku bz ngn blaja la.program la..clinical posting lak 1 bulan.. walaupun jarang berjumpa..i like n miss him so so much..because..

1- setiap hari xkire mase dia free..lpas blik keje ke.lpas hbis kelas ke.. dia akan kol aku..sukenya..=D that's why smpai skrg aku masih ngn dia

2- kalu aku mengamuk marah2..dia lebih suke senyap n plg terrible dia buat pun..dia ltak fon..
walaupun aku brtmbh sakit maybe caranya buat aku bertenang..sometimes la..hahaha

3- dia xpernah..ape org kate kupik eh..aku ade mslh xkire mslh wang ke..nk mtak tlg ke..dia sentiasa ade..=)

tp kan..time aku merajuk..eiii..geram aku..dia xpernah nk pujuk..selalu wat
dek jekkkkkk...=p mak dia ckp..dia la yg gtau.. xboleh pujuk slalu..nanti bosan..haha( xtaw la kalu dia kelentong aku)..hahaha

5- dia anak mak!!!hahha..yg ni aku xtaw aku suke x..hehehe tp mmg patut pun ibu n bapa lbih
dr sgalanya selain dr Allah..=)

6- aku dpt tgk la..sifat kebapaan lam dirinya..he loves his nieces so much..smpai menitiskan air
mata kalu diaorg ade ape2 mslah..huu syahdu juga aku tgk..huk3

7- n xlupa yg paling aku suke..dia very sensitive person!! more sensitive than me..tu la smpai
kdg2 aku xjd nk merajuk lame2, sdey tgk dia..hahahah

8-aku paling xsuke org meninggikan suara kat aku, n skali pak cik ni kan mare aku..
takutnya aku!!!!! kalu mmg silap aku xpe la kan..kalu x aku mengamuk balik..hahaha

so many things actually why i like u!!!=)
walaupun kite slalu gaduh2..mare2..hope kasih n syg kte makin bertambah..hihihi
stakat ni, ni la relationship aku with someone yg plg lame aku pernah..walaupun bkan lame sgt pun..kikikih..
sy nak KAwin!!! ( tp belum tiba masenya..=D)..

gambar2x gembira yg pernah kteorg ambil bile kuar bersama..berjalan2..

Thursday, May 14, 2009


For few love can last a lifetime,
but for many not knowing when to
let go can hold them back forever.

Loving You Is Like Breathing,
How Can I Stop?

Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile,
and finds in your presence that life is worth while,
so when you are lonely,
remember this is true:
Somebody, somewhere is thinking of you.

I love you with all of my heart, body ,and soul.
You complete me.
You make my life worth living.
To have known you and to have loved
you has been the most beautiful dream.
I can only hope that I never wake up.

If living life would mean loving you for the rest of my life,
I would take the chance.

Although I have but one heart to lose,
cause I’d rather have had
one breathe from your hair,
one touch from your hand,
and one hug from you,
than eternity without it.

To Fear Love Is To Fear Life

Life is only worth living once
you've found someone worth dying for.

True love is, when everything in the world is going wrong,
all you have to do is look at that special person and,
suddenly, everything in the world is right again.

The essential sadness
is to go through life without loving.
But it would be almost
equally sad to leave this world
without ever telling those
you loved that you love them.

Love starts with a smile grows
with a kiss and ends with a tear.

When traveling the path of life,
and finding love along the way,
everything looks new and different.
Little do you know it is the same
old landscape you used to see all of the time;
love has just given you new eyes.

Never say 'I like you' if you don't care.
Never talk about feelings if they're not there.
Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.